Stacking resources now so that the next generation is climate resilient.

Portland, Oregon | Vancouver, Washington | Cascadia Pacific Northwest


Climate Emotions Circles PNW

Climate anxiety peer support meetings facilitated by an experienced climate resilience educator. Held every 5th day of the month; the Circles are private and affirm solidarity amongst peers. Virtually and in person at various locations. 3 formats available.

Clima-Sphere Network PNW

Are you working towards building community awareness & encouraging climate conversations in the Pacific Northwest? The Clima-Sphere is a once-a-month networking space for practitioners building climate-consciousness communications. Drop us an email for more info:

Community Awareness

Our 2 programs build empowerment. Strength comes from knowledge and building relationships. Find us exhibiting at a local event! Invite us to table at your next event:

Our next in-person IRL Climate Emotions Circle

Share and listen to peers unpack the feelings we get witnessing the effects of the climate crisis. Build personal mental well-being (resilience) to climate anxiety, eco-grief, climate distress, etc. in Portland, Oregon.
Sunday 9/15 at 3:00 PM. EXPERIENCES format.

See more dates; virtual on Google Meet and in-person on our programs page.

Land acknowledgement

We see the displacement and genocide of Native Peoples by colonial settlers as harm thay may never be forgotten. The work of Cascadia Stack takes place on the lands where people once lived sustainably, with pride and harmony with nature. We strive for respecting the Native lands and traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes and bands. The communities and summer encampments along the Columbia and Willamette rivers were the place of harvest and home amongst the plentiful natural resources of the area for thousands of years.

Diversity and Inclusion is a major focus of our programs. Read our principles in entirety at this link below.

climate well-being programs re-designed for you

Next Gatherings & Virtual Meetings

  • Thursday 9/5 EXPERIENCES format at 8PM

  • Tuesday 9/10 CLASSIC format at 12 noon

  • Sunday 9/15 at 3PM in-person EXPERIENCES format

  • Friday 9/20 CLASSIC format at 3PM

  • Wednesday 9/25 at 9:00 AM a Climate Cafe

  • Monday 9/30 TOPICS format at 7PM

    Every 5th day of each month.

Find a time and day that works for your schedule, just one hour. Find your strength within a routine of regular peer-to-peer meetings where you can confidentially express your feelings about the uncertainties of the present and future. on a regular basis.

Increase mental stamina and confidence.

Adapting to climate change is the focus of our programs.
We do this with climate well-being peer support meetings, held virtually and in-person.

Learn with your peers, be accountable- together

The group connections that the community builds can keep them all on track to become better prepared at the household and neighborhood level. Empowerment is strengthened through relationships.

How does climate change make you feel?

PODCAST: with Dr. Britt Wray, of CIRCLE (Community-minded Interventions for Resilience, Climate Leadership, and Emotional Wellbeing) at Stanford Psychiatry. Dr. Wray gives an overview of climate anxiety and its impact on people, explaining the concept of solastalgia and broken record, record breaking and so much more. Episode recorded on Jan 29, 2024 (Published on Feb 26, 2024)

  • Substance abuse

  • Aggression and violence

  • Ecoanxiety or ecogrief is the feeling of anxiety, sorrow, or mourning at the current and projected impacts of climate change

  • Strains on social relationships

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most frequently observed impacts of natural disaster events

  • Community displacement and migration can occur when entire communities face relocation due to climate change or extreme events. Many people lack the capacity and resources to relocate, which causes additional mental health burdens. Instances of PTSD are likely to double in these situations.

An exhibition of letters written by Australia’s leading climate researchers. circa 2015.

Our purpose

We provide peer support gatherings and seek collaborations. Stack’s messaging promotes the idea of coming to terms with personal feelings about the true crisis of climate change. We believe that taking that first step will lead our participants to become motivated to take meaningful collective action.

Our mission

Our mission is to enhance personal cognitive climate resilience skills for climate sensitive people in the Pacific Northwest to mindfully prepare themselves and their community to adapt and thrive while witnessing the effects of the changing climate.

Our vision

We envision neighborhood-level meetings, normalizing the need and desire for mental health support, delivered by community leaders. Stack will be the convener to build the relationships with community-based organizations, coordinating the program with partners. We will train laypersons from several community groups such as youth, elders, disabled, LGBTQ+IA, BIPOC, and neurodiverse to hold Circles in their communities and workplaces.

Our Values

Centering community.

Envisioning a living economy.

Accepting criticism, inviting conversation.

Supporting a just transition to a resilient economy.

Encouraging those that confess to still learning.

Humility. The Golden Rule. 

Reducing stigma.

Reducing consumption.

Centering multicultural communities.

Acknowledging harms of colonial systems and injustices.

Fundraiser at DIY BAR

Wednesday, September 4 | 6-8:30PM in NE Portland, OR

Best date night in Portland, OR September 2024

A brief look into the need for Climate Emotions Circle peer support meetings. A slide deck explaining Stack's organization and 2025 strategic planning.

Hope to see you there!

Lower Columbia River

Portland, Oregon

Vancouver, Washington

Stacking your resources.

Eco-anxiety peer support gatherings for the Pacific Northwest.